Let’s do a little bit of Statistics, about my “Greatest Hits”….


I’ve been studying Mathematics for many years, I’m now working in Mechanics,


and I like “numbers” in general….






There is a total of 120 tracks in my 12 preferred Don Ellis albums.


Live in 3 2/3 4 Time           11

Electric Bath                           7

Shock treatment                  14

Autumn                                   6

Underground                       12

Live at Fillmore                   11

Tears of Joy                         11

Connection                            11

Soaring                                    8

Haiku                                     10

Starwars                               10

Live at Montreux                  9

TOTAL                       120



Do U follow me?"



The compil ONE contains 16 pieces.

The compil TWO contains 17 pieces.

The compil THREE contains 7 pieces.


Then, there are a total of 40 pieces in my “Greatest Hits”.



That exactly represents 1/3 of the complete 12 albums!



Do U still follow me?"



When you look at these 40 pieces, and the corresponding albums, then the ranking of each abum is:




First of the TOP 12 !!

                                              Soaring           6


                              Haiku, Starwars            5


Fillmore, Tears of Joy, Connection           4    


                   Underground, Autumn           3


     Electric Bath, Shock Treatment          2


    Montreux, Live in 3 2/3 4 Time           1



Are U sure U follow me?"



When you see that classification, based on the number of pieces in my "Greatest Hits",


you realize it’s mandatory to put higher up albums like Montreux or Shock Treatment.


Then it’s clear that a fourth compilation is needed!!


I already thought about some pieces: Future Feature, Open Wide, Upstart, Freedom Jazz dance,


New horizons, Homecoming......but also Ferris Wheel, The Blues.......and Bulgarian Bulge of course!


Any other suggestions…?     lionel@longplaying.com



Well, if you did not follow me, it's not much important, this is definitely not an essential page of the site....."