OK, of course I don't listen to the Don Ellis Orchestra only!
In order to share with you some of my prefered record/artist/group,
please find below some jewels of my personal collection (click right "Properties" to see the name)
To make the list shorter, I put only one album per artist or group (this page is better in 1024*768 pixels)
The 3 Masters FOREVER, Prince-Clinton-Miles, these guys are from another planet for sure....
More Masters, somewhere in the galaxies....
The Magic from Planet Brazil, so sensitive, so rhythmic, so beautiful and so eternal
Let's continue with other Masters, a mix of power, genius & beauty....
Um pouco mais de můsica brasileira, é tao bom!
The Planet Hip-Hop now:
Other Master Pieces of Music, between Jazz, Funk.......Soul.....Lounge........Pop....
Various very good albums/artist/group
Let's finish with some good oldies, some Music I used to listen when I was younger....
Oups, I forgot the Planet France, only a short list but very interesting...
I hope you have found some good music to discover or re-discover....