We went in Venizzia twice in 2002 and during a cruise in October 2003, here-below  some of the photos we took mainly during the first trip.   The first sight you have, coming from the railway station, is the first bridge you have to cross.

After crossing the bridge you  into the town of Venise


.... and discover some canals


.... or  very nice shops like this one

  But the best is to use some very interesting links on the Internet like this one :

Here-below, the map of the different areas of the town

In the following photos, some of the most interesting buildings in Venizzia.

A very strange tower ' del bucolo ' ou l'escargot in french

The bridge where the prisoners went from the court of justice to the prison !!

One of the niciest castle on the "Grande canale" : La Ca d'Oro

Click on the photo to have bigger size

  and now some photos of the great piazza of Venizzia    

Le campanile

The basilique of Venizzia

One of the cathedral from the sea side

  and for the end, the "Canal Grande " (Click on it to have bigger size )
  and the most famous bridge of Venizzia, maybe one of the most famous throught the word : the Rialto